Advanced History of USA

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Dive into America’s past with “History of USA” from Advanced Publishers. This 600-page masterpiece encapsulates the nation’s evolution, spotlighting pivotal moments and influential figures. From the Revolutionary War to the modern era, this book is a captivating guide for history enthusiasts.


History of USA (Advanced Publishers) is an in-depth exploration of the United States’ rich and complex past. Spanning 600 pages, this comprehensive book delves into the nation’s evolution from its early indigenous peoples to the present day. Authored by renowned historians, it offers a meticulous account of key events, pivotal figures, and societal transformations that have shaped the American story. Readers will journey through the American Revolution, the Civil War, the struggles for civil rights, and the emergence as a global superpower. With vivid narratives, vivid illustrations, and critical analysis, this book is an invaluable resource for history enthusiasts, students, and anyone curious about the American experience.



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